Walking in ashes.

I've been in that place that entrepreneurs go when they know that change is coming. 

It is the desire to burn it all down around you so that from the ashes the rebirth can rise.

This place is confusing and frustrating and you spend time in waiting.

For the download.

For the communing with Spirit.

For the magic.

For the words that channel into you.

It has been a hard. I've been here before.

You sit with yourself in the uncomfort and you find stillness.


And then a message on Facebook from one of the women who has brought crazy amounts of joy to our circles...

I’ve spent a lot of my life wondering where my people were, and maybe more specifically, where my women were. When I was first introduced to Hannah Marcotti by a friend and colleague, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. While I might not have understood at first glance what Hannah did exactly, I knew she was a unique and important soul for me to know.

The first circle I signed up for was her “Being Mama” course, and holy crap ladies, it changed my life. It wasn’t a fast shift - but from the first email prompt I knew. (I had that stomach flip that happens when you know you’re about to see everything differently).


And then Ruth.

She left a voice message from Australia for me.

She told me about a coffee date she had with a women she had met virtually 5 years ago during The Joy Up,  a program I used to run 3 times a year that connected women from all over the world. The Joy Up created friendships and support for hundreds of women.

Ruth reminded me that this was the power of the work, she wanted me to remember what this work has brought to her, to the woman she had coffee with, to so many.

I sat in my mini van listening to her voice (I miss you like mad, this world traveling friend of mine) and I started to cry.

The last time I felt this same way, knew that change was coming, I burned down the core of my business to the ground. I let The Joy Ups go so I could make room for a deeper magic.

The last time I felt this way, it was because I needed to go deeper. 

Magic Making Circle was born from the ashes. It saved my life. It gave birth to the woman I became, the one that risked everything to leave her marriage so she could once again become the mama-the lover-the free spirit, her essence of love and nurture. 

And since the first Magic Making Circle I could write 4 memoirs. Each about a woman becoming.

I probably should write at least one of those books, perhaps one will be born of the ashes.

I am ready to go deeper again.

I am craving it.

It is time.  

I am ready to walk in the ashes.

I am a woman becoming.

Walk with me. Throw off your shoes, and let's explore this ground together.