Rooting In. Lifting Up. A 20 day devotional circle.
A 20 day devotional circle :: grounding rituals and practices, walking prayer and the raised vibration that comes when women lift up together.
When :: March 1st - March 20th
Cost :: $59
When we moved into the urban farmhouse that manifested with such grace and gratitude I decided that I wanted to hang vintage gold ornaments from the ceiling along with our little twinkle lights.
I hung only one to begin with, next to our lace curtains in the bedroom. A little reminder of a project that I wanted to take on when space opened up in the chaos of moving.
A neighbor came over one day as we were lifting boxes out of the truck and she told us her brother had once owned this house and that it had over time become known as the Christmas house. The perfect yellow farmhouse in the middle of the city with lights in each window at Christmas.
The urban farmhouse or Christmas house, is my year of retreat into practices of grounding after years of feeling like there was no surface below me to catch me, to hold me, to give me the anchoring my nervous system was crying out for.
Inside my Magic Making Circle I noticed that I was not alone. Of course. We draw towards us what we are vibrating. The women around me needing to find the ground, the earth, the rooting in that feels like home.
I started grounding in small ways. Root vegetables and feet in the earth. Shifting spaces in my home. Deeper understanding of each part of who I am. Letting go of anything blocking my freedom inside of my space. Connection with the women in my circle in different ways and heaps of truth telling and feelings heard, seen, witnessed.
It started to feel like each day was a walking prayer. A moving meditation.
A daily devotional to spirit.
Watering the plants, touching the leaves, letting my fingers dip into the soil, scavenging perfect spaces where the light would glow through the lace of the curtains.
Egg shells piled up in a bowl on a white countertop that holds the stories of the mamas before me, as each fried egg became a sandwich for little hands to hold for breakfast.
The pale lime green of the walls that hold their beds safe, the navy stars and gold hearts on sheets covered with gray fuzzy golden blankets topped with the fuzzy furry giant bears and cheetahs and tigers they cuddle at night.
The way his body feels when we fall into bed each night, naked, lips promising a tomorrow filled with deepening safety inside of our love.
We root in by making space in our life, through rituals that feel gorgeous and filling and by letting each feeling that comes through us have a place of safety.
We root in by putting our bare feet on wet cement, hot dry sand or the first grass of spring.
We root in by letting go of stuff, of old stories, of chaos that breaks our connection with the ground.
We root in by letting each of the parts of us become honored and work as a beautiful system of who we are.
We root in by becoming walking prayer, meditative trust and the beauty those bring.
And then we lift.
The connections of ritual. The sharing of stories, fears, photos. When another woman simply says... too.
...what if? does that feel?
...I honor you. are so beautiful.
...thank you.
In circle we will lift.
20 days together ::
- daily emails with story, photo and simple prompts so we may root in; in the physical and spiritual
- a circle of women; the heart of the magic of lifting up
- rituals of making home; beauty and space
- the sacred kitchen and table; service and feeding
- safety in our hearts; reverence and adoration
- shifting of space; release and opening
- the parts of who we are; feeling and being seen
- walking prayer; faith and repetition
The gift of words from past circles ::
“What you do is take women who don’t even know how to believe in what they already are, don’t know that they should, and you give them hope, give them the tools, introduce them to a way of looking at themselves, the world, each other – that illuminates ILLUMINATES the path that we failed to notice was beneath our feet all along.”
“She has a magical balance of ferocity and gentleness that speak directly to your heart while not leaving your mind out of the equation. Oh, and she rocks.”
“There are moments in our lives when someone extraordinary comes into view, bringing with them great spirit and the power of transformation. Hannah Marcotti’s deeply rooted authenticity, gentle love and soft caress, creates beautiful spaces for knowing and a safe place for revealing our most authentic dreams and wishes, guiding you toward a realization and manifestation of your true hearts’ desire.”
“Hannah is honest, real, a storyteller, authentic, magical, passionate, gentle and tough all at the same time…”
“This group, you all…this work, is the emotional scaffold I rebuild my spirit upon~”
Any questions? Please send me a note at