Wonderfully successful procrastination.
/“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
― Ann Landers
There is not more I can do to fully succeed at procrastination today. Dishes are done, clothes are folded, broth is cooking, my mug keeps filling up, hair is washed, bills paid and library books returned.
I had to run away from one of my kids who was very chatty today while he was cooking and I was looking through 68,000 handmade pottery pieces on Etsy. I didn't have the heart to tell him his words were interrupting my procrastination work of finding the perfect handmade bowl in the colors of autumn and earth.
I ended up hiding in my room listening to my book on audio and clipping my toe nails, which had become problematic. He followed me up there to ask a question. I do love that my teenagers still like hanging out with me. There are just those days when the work of doing all the things, except that one thing I actually need to do, pile up and space is needed.
My body is achingly tired which tends to happen a few days before I bleed. The 2:00am fire alarm didn't help either. Kids slept right through it, all 5 of them.
Dave jumped up and I saw him getting dressed and I think I asked him some incoherent questions before he went out. When he came back I asked him how he made it stop. He said, "I put my pants on."
I thought that was a truly reasonable response.
I'm making chili for dinner tonight, I'll add it to my procrastination success along with preparing some apples for apple crisp. Luckily there are some pears that need to turn into chutney, that will take some time for sure. And the broth will need to be cooled and put into jars for the freezer.
Outside it is rainy and grey and blue jays are all over the yard. Relationship with Great Mystery just outside the window. I'm hungry for the taste of the chicken broth in the air. My mug is empty. I realize how much more there is to do to fully avoid and continue my beautifully productive procrastination. I'll get to it.
Fill your mug. Smell the air. Look out the window. Make something yummy.
Maybe, just maybe, let that thing go and see all that is there instead. Today is a good day for that.
xo H