The transparency of a launch.
During a launch, when someone is selling a product or course, you hear from them more. I am writing more letters because it is part of my job to remind you that I have this thing to offer you.
Also during this time, you'll lose more people from your email list because those that really aren't who you create your offerings for will get annoyed by your increase in communication. This, I tell my business coaching students, is important.
People need to clear space. Those who are aligned with your energy and offerings will drink in what you offer, you aren't creating more noise for them, you are part of their chosen energetic allotment. Others will need to unfollow or unsubscribe to make space for what is important to them. We don't need to be important to everyone. It isn't possible or necessary.
Usually what we are offering when in a launch are little tastes of what we have created/are creating for you. We might tell you stories to bridge a sales page to a deeper more personal understanding of the offering.
Some people will point out all the ways you NEED what they have, why your life isn't as good as it could be or pose many questions to help get you to push the buy now button.
I used to get incredible stressed out during my launches. I was worried about money, I had these visions of living in my van with my kids and I would feel a true fear from my root chakra. I put pressure on the offering, on the launch, to become my safety.
I would get moody and cry and question every part of who I was.
The circle/program would start, I would be able to eat and pay my bills and keep a roof over my head, but somewhere inside of me the fear would dance and my worth never became more based on how many people signed up or the amount of money I made.
This is part of the story of who I was. I can go back and tell so many stories and one thing they all lack is a sense of my roots. Rooting. First chakra safety. I could have blown away (and often did) from the smallest gust of wind.
Now. Here I am in this new offering.
I am not my past but I am rooted from it and I will grow taller and stretch out the words to the story of who I am now.
Each time I write to remind you of this circle's becoming I am held in such safety and love and I want to give that same sense to you.
I don't want you to feel like you are missing a damn thing and my circle is where you will find it. I just want to offer layers, ideas, gifts for your own journey.
Magic isn't mine, but my magic making is entirely personal and unique. So is yours. We all have access. Just as we can all access trust. We cultivate and experience and pray into it.
In this circle we'll be together for twenty-three weeks, five full moons and six new moons. That is a huge honoring of time and a blessing of energy.
I will keep sending out little bites of what that time will feel like. Mostly, I'll keep it pretty cryptic and hold most of its mystery close.
I will keep sending the invitations. That is part of my job.
I will open sacred space for myself each day until I open it for the circle. As each person joins I add her name to a bowl that is part of my Magic Making Altar. I sit in the dark with coffee and read my cards and wait.
There is no fear. My worth is not connected to this circle or this email or the money in my bank or the followers on Instagram.
I am mother, my most sacred spirit self, who touches crone with her fingers and continues to create and dream in her wild woman. I am a wisdom seeker gathering branches and herbs and I can go with you into your shadows, I can hold space there. I am rooted and when the wind blows I am held in safety and trust. I am a lover with a fierce devotion to my partner and our journey together. I am a healer as I stand in the kitchen grounding through the energy of my wooden spoon and deep cast iron pot. I am a gatherer opening space and holding it and allowing it to shape shift as each of us needs.
From fear to safety.
I remembered my roots when I went into the shadows that held me. It is the work of magic making. Available to us in every ordinary moment. There are no rules and expectation is washed away.
And this is an invitation to a circle of belonging, adoring and seeing.
xo H