Spiritstyle || A 10 day discovery
/When :: August 28th
Cost :: A gift from me to you
i remember the feeling of school starting. i could smell it and there was that little pang in my belly. what i thought most about is how i would show up. who would i be.
every year after the summer break i would iterate into a new version of myself. the planning of the first day of school outfit would consume me. i remember the year of suspenders and a black hat for 10th grade. the following year my all black wardrobe.
i've always known that how we show up on the outside directly impacts and transforms who we are on the inside. and the inside is our guide for how we layer on our clothes as the way of being in the world.
being seen. being true. being our most amazing version of ourselves.
this is my spiritstyle. a collection of time and feelings.
the things that if i layer on i become more me.
the colors of cream, mocha, black.
buttery soft. high waist. layered tanks. no bra. simple mala to ground me. fabric draped, falling off a shoulder. hints of sexy and sanguine.
this is my spiritstyle. the parts of who i am communicated on the outside.
after the dishes are done, rings find my fingers. a final layer.
boots, worn, loved. leg warmers bunched.
a color story that washes over us.
this is my spiritstyle. a woman matching the parts of herself with how she shows up each day.
she said ::
"i feel like i cycle through so many parts of me. the young girl, the earth mama, the wild woman, the falling apart-do-nothing-right-scared one, the angry wife, the warrior princess. they become confused and mixed up and instead of feeling each one i'm trying to ignore each of them."
she said ::
"i feel that way all the time. and i have been thinking about it a lot lately actually... and how trying to allow space for all of it often leaves me feeling exhausted and depleted. we need all these parts of ourselves. they are vital. because how amazing is that we have these selves to call upon to guide us through what is in front of us in any given moment. and even the ones that appear to be wounds or gaping holes are guides too."
this is how my women talk. i collect the words of the women who circle with me. our work together is to honor each part of who we are. some we need to heal. some just need to be seen. some need to be unearthed from the past and integrated into our becomings.
one of my wishes a few years ago was to be the most amazing mom i could be, meaning less anger and exhaustion and more fun and loving moments. i could see her. she used to be part of me. she is fun and spontaneous and she includes her kids in all the parts of her life.
becoming a mother changed my body. the shape and size were unfamiliar. my breasts went from an ab to a swelling c. nursing was my life for about 7 years, welcoming each baby with a mother who felt more confident each time.
i started wearing tank tops that i could pull down, instead of up, to nurse. skinny spaghetti straps with a shelf bra from target or old navy at first. then i started to like the thicker straps, hold the shelf bra. now my every day (no longer nursing) tank is from h&m and i own every color. i get the long ones that go over my bum so i can wear them over leggings.
going from college free spirit to mama challenged something in me. i didn't know how to show up. i tried to fit into a button down blouse with mom jeans look for a while. i put on a bra and bought some shirts from that never felt like me.
i spent years uncomfortable and confused. when i went back to school in 2008 i found myself back inside of the free spirit world. from 3 inch heels to dreadlocks, the women were gorgeous. alive. themselves. the freedom of style and expression sucked me back to the girl of 17 who had no doubt who she was.
she didn't look like everyone else. she followed not a single fashion rule. her hair was wild and she knew that she was alive wearing clogs and leg warmers and leggings that hugged her body. she adored showing up in her spiritstyle because it felt like freedom.
this is spiritstyle. the feeling and witness of who we are.
and it changes. all the time. each day we can be new.
allowing this change is the magic.
For 10 days through simple prompts and story we will ::
- look at the different parts of who we are. name them. make a list.
- find the feelings inside each of these parts.
- look back at who we were. remember times that we felt most alive and free.
- go into our closets. unearth past. clear space for how we want to feel in our now.
- play with the feelings inside of how we are showing up and being seen.
- purge what is no longer part of our spiritstyle.
- find the pieces and layers that communicate.
- understand dressing and layering a highly sensitive body.
- discover our color stories.
- vision into our spiritstyle becomings.
- allow change to align us with the feeling of freedom and beauty.
- practice showing up for the different parts of who we are.
- share photos on our private facebook group
- be new.